Deaf Support and Sign Language Cafes
Project completed
Project name: Deaf Support and Sign Language Cafes
The aims of the project, run in conjunction with Deaf Support & Care Services, encouraged social mixing and integration through sign language cafes and other bespoke events.
The project commenced in October 2019 and shortly afterwards held two sign language cafes in Walsall town centre, where discussions took place regarding the types of activity that the group might wish to participate in. These included an arts project, cyber-security training and activities that would promote Deaf awareness. The first of these projects was held successfully in January and February 2020 and involved a group of Year 7 children from Blue Coat School learning how to sign a song and performing this in front of their parents and school staff.
Before the other projects could get underway and as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, the project was re-focused at that point to provide COVID-19 support to the Deaf community, which included the production of a special signed video giving out key messages.
Get in touch
To find out more, please contact Jane Murray on jane.murray@walsall.gov.uk or 07920 450 751.