On this page we have collated a library of resources which includes various toolkits, research and reports that we thought would be helpful for communities. Do take a look so you can learn more about integration and to help you play your part in building an integrated and cohesive Walsall.
If you have any ideas of other resources to include, please contact walsallforall@walsall.gov.uk​
Last updated: 29th October 2021
Community Researchers report
In 2019, Walsall Council invited the University of Birmingham to work with a group of individuals who live or work in Walsall to develop a research project to explore community cohesion and integration. The objective was to inform the work of Walsall for All, a partnership programme aimed at developing more inclusive communities.
Inclusive Leadership Pledge
The Inclusive Leadership Pledge was launched by businesses in response to the Leadership Commission’s call to realise a leadership that better represents the diversity of the West Midlands. Designed for employers, the Pledge asks organisations and senior leaders to commit to promoting diversity and embedding inclusion. It is deliberately flexible so that signatories can tailor their pledges to the specific strengths and challenges of their organisation.
Connecting Cranes with Communities
The West Midlands Combined Authority has promised that the investment it makes will lead to inclusive economic growth. Localise West Midlands has been commissioned by the West Midlands combined Authority Inclusive Growth Unit to consult with Civil Society on what Inclusive Growth looks like. The work is supported by the Barrow Cadbury Trust. This report presents findings from engagement with Civil Society in Autumn 2018.
Sign up to 'Ban the Box'
Creating meaningful employment is one of the most significant ways that business contributes to the livelihoods of individuals and communities, and is for many the only sustainable route out of poverty. Offering quality experience of work, adopting new approaches to recruitment and breaking down barriers to entering work for people from disadvantaged groups can benefit business by tackling skills shortages, building new talent pipelines, boosting retention rates and achieving higher productivity.
Walsall Works
Walsall Council is committed to reducing inequalities and maximising potential in the borough.
Through the Walsall Works Partner Awards, we recognise the contribution of those businesses and organisations that share our aims and actively work to improve the lives of Walsall residents.
Conference Resources
At Walsall For All’s Mini Conference (2nd March 2023), attendees heard from the Walsall for All Partnership, local providers and regional and national colleagues about their journey, since 2018, of working with local communities and the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (then MHCLG) in creating a socially-integrated and cohesive borough.
Welcome to Walsall
Whether you decided to work, live or study in Walsall, it might be difficult getting around, finding local services or, simply, finding things to do and meeting new people without being guided. Welcome to Walsall was created by Nash Dom CIC as part of Walsall for All’s local integration programme in collaboration with local partners and agencies and is designed to support the integration of newly arrived communities and make them feel welcome.​
Leaders Like You report
This report is a summary of a nine-month research programme commissioned by the West Midlands Combined Authority’s Leadership Commission on promoting leadership diversity in the area covered by the WMCA. This work is a first amongst combined authorities and its central message – that there is now an economic and business imperative for greater leadership diversity and inclusivity in addition to the clear social imperative - needs to be taken up across the whole country, not only through the WMCA area.
Business in the Community (BITC)
Business in the Community is the oldest and largest business-led membership organisation dedicated to responsible business.
What we do
We inspire, engage and challenge members and we mobilise that collective strength as a force for good in society to
Create a skilled, inclusive workforce today and for the future
Build thriving communities in which to live and work
Innovate to repair and sustain our planet
Inclusive Employers
Our National Inclusion Standard is an evidence-based, objective, accreditation tool for assessing and promoting inclusion in the workplace. The National Inclusion Standard acts as a framework for delivering on your organisation’s diversity and inclusion strategy and helps you to measure and further improve the progress you are making towards becoming a more inclusive employer. It is a way to assess and acknowledge where your organisation is in its inclusion journey through your accreditation status. Put simply, it’s the best way of checking how inclusive your organisation is.
Diversity within small and medium-sized enterprises
This is a guide for European small and medium-sized enterprise (SMEs) managers wishing to improve the competitiveness and the social and economic performance of their business by building on the diversity of their workforce. The publication contains basic information for all SMEs to use, regardless of their size (from 1 to 500 employees), business sector, location (local, regional, national) and management mode. This publication is not intended to be comprehensive but rather to highlight key elements for successful diversification by SME management.
Neurodiversity Mental Wellbeing Walsall Grant Fund - Expression of Interest
Do you have ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia or consider yourself as Neurodiverse? Do you want to help improve the wellbeing of people in your community? Public Health wishes to work with individuals to meet the needs of our population by increasing their knowledge of mental wellbeing and developing their ability to prevent and respond early to mental health issues.