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Walsall for All Evaluation


The Walsall for All Evaluation report sets out the key achievements and activity of the programme since it began in January 2019. It also outlines recommendations on what needs to happen moving forward. Below are some of the key headlines summarised from the report.

Key headlines

1 Connecting across Communities.jpg

Connecting across communities proved to be the strongest and most comprehensive priority. From the Pledge, instilling common standards of inclusivity across the sector, to Places of Welcome and innovation projects, it generated new physical spaces and ideas. Community research helped us gain insights into barriers and lived experiences of our residents and think about solutions. Despite the impact of COVID, most projects recovered or found new ways of engaging (such as online platforms or undertaking COVID emergency response work).

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Whilst the above priorities focused on changing the organisations, physical spaces and networking activities, the Working and Contributing Together priority has been most focused on individuals experiencing barriers and the role of education and employers in supporting these individuals. From ESOL (English Speakers of Other Languages) in the community to empowering women sessions, as well as supporting the vulnerable groups into workplace (Walsall Works), the virtual Walsall Workplace Diversity Conference came just in time to sum up the borough-wide aspirations in this area and create a model for the future.

2 Young People Learning and Growing Together.JPG

With our Young People Learning and Growing Together priority, Walsall was encouraged to focus on young people by the national Integration Area Programme. Projects in this area primarily focused on giving young people a voice and a pathway into social action and positive activity. Engagement with schools was also a focus, incorporating programmes like School Linking and UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools. There was also delivery of a new project, Walsall Arts for All.

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Living Together has been the most ambitious priority in terms of developing a better understanding of segregation and tensions affecting our neighbourhoods. Before Walsall for All started, some complex themes had not been seen equally important in different localities, yet, through dialogue, they have started to gain more attention. These include integration of migrants, understanding the needs of Gypsy, Traveller and Roma communities and the social and emotional cost of hate crime.


To download the report in full, click the link below. You can also download the introductory leaflet and communications report below.

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To download the report in full, click the link below. You can also download the introductory leaflet below.

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To download the report in full, click the link below. You can also download the introductory leaflet below.

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A report focused on the communications and engagement work of Walsall for All is available to read separately. This report discusses how the Walsall for All communications has raised awareness of the programme, its priorities and the brand, becoming a leader in sharing information for the community and voluntary sector and for the wider borough.

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